Thank you for taking the time to fill out this survey in support of our USDA Reconnect grant application.
After being awarded funding in the previous round of the USDA Reconnect grant we are applying for another project in round III. If awarded this grant we will be able to provide fiber Internet to a large rural area in Mid-Missouri (you can see a map of the planned service area here).
It is important for us to collect this information to prove to the USDA that this area is in fact under-served when it comes to broadband services. If you have questions about this form please don't hesitate to call us at 573-975-1112.
This grant is only available in areas where Internet speeds are less than 25 Mbps down and 3 Mbps up. To prove that our area is undeserved it helps to provide speedtest data to the USDA. Please perform a speedtest using the tool below by clicking "Run Speed Test" and recording the results in the fields below the test window. The download speed is the number to the right of the down arrow, and the upload speed is the number to the right of the up arrow. If you need help performing a speedtest please don't hesitate to call our office. This step is very important for our application!
By submitting a grant survey you can help bring a faster internet connection to your community.