Phynx Fiber

Montgomery City, Missouri Internet Service

Search for fiber internet in Montgomery City, MO. No fiberhood in your area yet? Sign up and get a step closer to fiber in Montgomery City.

Phynx Fiber is excited to bring Gigabit Fiber Internet service to Montgomery City!  There are three main pieces that were needed to complete construction and “light up” a fiber-hood. We have completed the transport of fiber that brings Internet into the town, we have constructed fiber down every road in town to each fiber-hood, and we have to built the network hub where everything will join together.

We are happy to announce all of the fiber-hood construction is complete in Montgomery City.  The fiber-hoods are already fully constructed! However, before we are able to provide service to any fiber-hood the transport route needs to be completed. All three of these projects are at about the same pace, so we will see them all completed around the same time. Follow us on Facebook for periodic updates.

Checking for addresses

Fiberhood Construction Process

Joining a Phynx Fiberhood is easy. The more people that sign up in your neighborhood the sooner you can get fast, reliable fiber Internet. Check your neighborhood progress on the map below.

  • Sign Up

    and choose your package

  • Construction

    which may take several months

  • Schedule Install

    and get ready for fiber

  • Fiberhood

Montgomery City Fiberhood Map

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Completed Fiberhoods Sign-Up


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