Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey in support of our company bringing Wellsville, Mo the latest fiber optic gigabit internet service. Phynx Fiber is a subsidiary company of Kingdom Telephone Company located in Auxvasse Mo. Kingdom was awarded a USDA Reconnect grant in the areas surrounding your community. While the grant doesn’t cover the area, Phynx Fiber is interested in building fiber there if your community shows enough interest.
It is important for us to collect certain information to gauge the interest before we commit to build. We would appreciate your taking a few minutes to complete the following questions. If you have any questions about this form please don’t hesitate to call or text us at 573-975-1112.
Please perform a speedtest using the tool below by clicking "Run Speed Test" and recording the results in the fields below the test window. The download speed is the number to the right of the down arrow, and the upload speed is the number to the right of the up arrow. If you need help performing a speedtest please don't hesitate to call our office. This step is very important for feasibility study!
By submitting a survey you can help bring a faster internet connection to your community.